Quick Setup Guide

Welcome to MailFlow. This article will help you get set up and warming in no time.

To start using MailFlow, you'll need to create an account first. To do that, simply follow this link: https://app.mailflow.io/signup.

First - create a Pool.

Second - After creating a pool, view pool -> Email addresses -> Add inbox

Third - Add your inboxes. These steps vary depending on the type of inbox you would like to add.

Here are step-by-step guides on how to add different types of inboxes:

Fourth - After adding an inbox in Mailflow, make sure to add it to the Auto-Warmer Group in Mailflow. 

To do that, go to Email Addresses -> Select an Inbox by clicking 'Settings'

Then, go to the Auto-Warmer tab and Join the group.

Fifth - Wait for the Auto-Warmer confirmation sent via email. Once confirmed, the inbox will start sending auto-warmer emails in 48 hours.

You're all set!

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