Adding Custom Inboxes

Note: If you're having errors in adding a custom inbox even if you entered the correct credentials and done the troubleshooting steps at the end of this article, please contact your email service provider.

Custom inboxes tend to have varying set up so as much as we want to help, we're not the best people to ask about it.

When contacting your ESP, please provide them with the error so they can easily know where the issue could be coming from.
If after contacting the ESP and the error still persists, it could be that our software doesn't support the custom inbox.

I have access to the inbox

To get started, go to your account -> Email addresses -> Add inbox.

Click Continue under I have access to the inbox if you have the app password of the inbox that you're trying to add.

Next, select custom inbox.

Enter your Name, Email address, SMTP and IMAP credentials.
Click test sending and test receiving.

If both configurations are correct, click Add inbox.

Here's an example of what it looks like setting a Zoho inbox.

Here are some of the most common custom inboxes that are being added to MailFlow.
Zoho mail -
Amazon Workmail -
Fastmail -

I don't have access to the inbox

If clients don't want to share their app password, click continue under I don't have access to the inbox.

Then, it will generate an invite link.
Copy that and forward the invite link to the client so they can add their own inbox.


Q: The IMAP is getting an error when I click 'Test Receiving'. 

A: Make sure that Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is disabled in your email account. 
If it's already disabled, try re-entering the IMAP password and try clicking 'Test receiving' again.

Q: The inbox suddenly stopped sending emails. What should I do?

A: Check the inbox and see if it's red. If it is, go to the Inbox settings and click 'Test Sending' and 'Test Receiving'. If both configurations are still correct, you should be able to send out emails again. 

Q: I'm getting a server certificate error, what should I do?

A: Usually, if the error is related to the server certificate, it could be related to the port being used when setting up the SMTP.
For example, if you're using 465, you can change it to 587 or vice versa.

It could also be that the server address is incorrect.

To make sure that you're using the correct port and server address, please check them with your email service provider.
You can either search their help articles for correct SMTP configuration settings or contact their support.

If neither of those two does the trick, it could be that the SMTP server doesn't support a TLS connection.
Since we only support TLS, SMTP servers that don't support it can't be added to MailFlow.

If the email service provider doesn't support TLS, it would be better to create a different email account using a different email service provider.

If they support TLS and it's still not working in MailFlow, please contact the email service provider's support to check what could be causing the error.

Q: My custom inbox keeps losing permission, why is that so?

A: When an inbox loses permission, a notification will be sent to your email address.
This notification includes the reason for the inbox losing permission under details.

Copy that and send it to support@mailflow so we can check the issue further.

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