Error: Can't send emails

Why do we need to confirm that the inbox can send and receive emails?

To make sure that the auto-warmer group will flow smoothly, we check if the inbox can send and receive emails.

If an inbox can't send emails, auto-warmer emails sent to it will not get replies.
So this will interrupt the warm-up process of sending emails and receiving replies.

How do you confirm this?

We do this by sending emails from your inbox to the inbox that we monitor and vice versa.

Then, we check your inbox and our inbox if the auto-warmer email request is there.
If we check our inbox and we didn't find the email request coming from your inbox, the inbox will be rejected from the group because we can't confirm that it can send emails.

If this happens, you will receive a notification from us.
Like this:

What are the reasons for the error "can't send emails"?

There are different reasons why we can't confirm that an inbox can't send emails, such as the following:

  • An inbox is getting throttled by its ESP due to poor sender reputation
  • All emails from your inbox are bouncing 
  • The email service provider has server issues/intermittent connection

Reason 1: An inbox is getting throttled by its ESP due to poor sender reputation

To prevent the abuse of their system, email service providers throttle inboxes with poor sender reputation.

If your inbox is throttled, it can still send emails. However, if it reaches the low email volume limit the ESP set, all emails from then on will bounce until the day resets.

When that happens, you should receive a bounce notification stating that the max daily email limit of the inbox is reached.

Here's what it looks like in Gmail, sent by

Here's what the notification looks like in Outlook, sent by

Solution 1: Contact your email service provider

Throttling can easily be lifted by email service providers, especially for paid accounts.
Just reach out to their support and provide a screenshot of the bounce.


Reason 2: All emails from your inbox are bouncing

This could happen if the domain's DNS records are not correctly set up. The DNS record plays a vital role in the email deliverability of your domain, so they must be setup correctly.

Solution 2: Correctly setup the DNS records of your domain

Setting up the DNS records depend on your email provider. If further help is needed, you may reach out to your domain provider for assistance.

Reason 3: Email service provider has server issues/intermittent connection

An email provider may have server issues sometimes, this is unavoidable. 

Solution 2: Correctly setup the DNS records of your domain

Retry joining the auto-warmer group after a few hours or the next day.

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